My blog has been silent now for a little while and I must apologize for that. My home computer has crashed and I have not had a computer to update on in quite some time. I have pictures from my last run but don't have the ability to upload them. So a post with prices and such will just have to do for now. My Publix run this week was AMAZING! I had so many coupons that the cashier had to keep calling the manager to over ride the system. The manager then made a few discouraging remarks about whether or not I actually bought the items, but I stood my ground and they gave me my groceries.
Publix: before coupons $202.83
after coupons: $83.73
saved: $119.10!!!!!!!!
My next trip was to Bi-Lo and I racked up big time there too. I did have a little trouble with getting my free items like I was supposed to (they like to make their own rules from time to time about doubling the coupons) but this wasn't anything that a good call to corporate didn't fix.
Bi-Lo: before coupons: $158.96
after coupons: $74.76
saved: $84.20!!!!!
Total Grocery Allowance WTD: $240.00
Total Grocery Money Spent WTD: $158.49
Total Saved: $82.51
Hope to have my computer back before I go shopping again next time. See ya soon!